1113 GAR Highway | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609


Eyes On Owls -- Live Owls on the Lawn of the Library!

Marcia and Mark Wilson of Eyes on Owls bring this live owl program to the Swansea Free Public Library!

They will introduce the audience to the six owls of New England and share the field marks, signs and skills that can be used to find owls without disturbing them.  Everyone will participate in a hooting lesson and learn tips on how to attract and protect owls where they live. 

This program is sponsored by the Swansea Cultural Council

YA for Grown Ups Book Club

for ages 16+ and all adults who like to read young adult literature

This month's selection is: 

Slasher Girls and Monster Boys  Stories selected by April-Genevieve Tucholke

From blood horror, to the supernatural, to unsettling, all-too-possible realism, this collection has something for anyone looking for an absolute thrill.



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