1113 GAR Highway | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609


Monster Squad: Aliens

Monster Squad: Aliens

Get ready for an out of this world Squad where we discuss the aliens of science-fiction, as well as some allegedly real-life encounters!

Conquerors or friends, expect these extra-terrestrials to add a big bang of excitement to your Saturday.

Snacks and craft to follow.

Open to ages 6-12. 

Bubble Story Time

Join us outside on the lawn for bubbles, books and crafts!

*In the event of bad weather, we will meet inside for stories and crafts

Themes for this session

May 10th: Planting seeds

May 17th: Bumblebees & Butterflies

May 31st: Birds, Strawberries and Flowers

June 7th: Ducks & Bunnies

June 14th: Frogs & Camping


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