Swansea Sleuths Book Club
This month's author: Lisa Lutz
We will discuss The Accomplice
Order your copy from the Library and join us!
This month's author: Lisa Lutz
We will discuss The Accomplice
Order your copy from the Library and join us!
This fiction book club meets the third Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted). We bring our lunch and discuss all types of fiction.
Join us for the entertaining and educational talk by Professor Alan Powers, author of Conversations with Birds The Metaphysics of Bird and Human Communication
Wednesday February 22nd at 6:30 pm in the Reference Room
We will discuss Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li AND The Messy Lives of Book People by Phaedra Patrick
Order a copy of one or both from the Library and join us on Zoom
Please register with your email address and the Zoom link will be sent to you
Learn some new tricks, CARD TRICKS!
Join Card Magician Tyler Clark and learn some new card tricks
for magicians from six to sixty and beyond
The Swansea Knitters meet each Thursday from 12-2 pm to work on projects. Whether you are new to knitting or working on your own projects, join us for friendship, fun and a fantastic good time. Registration is not required.
We will discuss The Blackout Book Club by Amy Lynn Green AND The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Order a copy of one or both from the Library and join us on Zoom
Please register with your email address and the Zoom link will be sent to you
This month's author: Alex Michaelides
We will discuss The Silent Patient
Order your copy from the Library and join us!
Join us for an afternoon making handmade cards.
Please register, all supplies provided